Athletic/Cheerleading Code

Athletic Eligibility - Academics
所有参加田径/啦啦队的学生每周必须完成至少25个学分(5个学术课程)的高中作业. Driver's Education is not part of the twenty-five hours. 不符合这一要求的学生将在教练接到通知后的第一天起的七(7)个日历日内丧失参赛资格.

Athletic Eligibility - Age
新规定将从7月1日以后第一次进入高中的学生开始执行, 1989.  Students already attending member schools as of July 1, 1989年将被允许保留年龄资格,除非他们在下一学年的8月15日之前满19岁.

Athletic AttendanceA student athlete must be in attendance by 10:00 a.m. 为了参加体育练习或活动,在学校剩下的时间里保持出勤. 如有任何更改,必须由助理校长与校方协商后批准.

Insurance of Athletes/Cheerleaders家长/监护人通过自己的保险承担运动员的责任. 在体育赛季开始前,家长/监护人必须签署保险弃权书.

Physical ExaminationAll participants must have a physical examination before he/she can practice. Written proof of physicals for incoming sophomores, juniors and seniors should be filed with the Athletic Director's Office.

GroomingAthletics/cheerleading are a privilege at Alleman High School. With this privilege come certain responsibilities. 其中一项职责是呈现一个合适的运动员/啦啦队长的形象. 管理部门保留决定什么是合适的欧博体育app运动员/啦啦队形象的权利.  适用于全体学生的仪容整洁规定将适用于所有运动员/啦啦队员. In addition, any hairstyle deemed inappropriate, extraordinary, or distractive will be in violation of the athletic code. Jewelry is unacceptable for ALL athletes, during practice or scheduled competition.

Payment for Lost EquipmentEquipment lost by players must be paid for by the player.  The cost will depend on the condition of the equipment. 一个运动员将不能开始下一个运动赛季,直到丢失的装备被支付或更换. 教练员将观察到学生穿着超季的学校运动器材,应收回或通知体育主任. This is the responsibility of all coaches. Athletes will not be allowed to wear equipment from other schools, Physical Education or team issued.

Athletic Eligibility - Citizenship
Major and minor offenses by Alleman Athletes/Cheerleaders will not by tolerated. (See Pages 47 & 52 of Alleman Student/Parent Handbook.) Alleman's Athletic Code applies during the season, off season, and summer. 除学生守则外,欧博体育app运动员和啦啦队员也须遵守本运动守则. 主教练和体育总监有权开除任何对艾尔曼高中或其各自球队有害的艾尔曼运动员或啦啦队长.

First Offense持有或使用毒品或在有非法毒品的地方逗留,最低限度的停牌, including the underage usage of alcohol, 或其他列在欧博体育app学生/家长手册上的严重违例行为是他/她身体和学术上符合条件的预定体育比赛的三分之一. At the time of the offense, 体育主任将决定该运动员不符合参赛资格的项目数量. If the offense occurs during the summer or off season, 停赛将在该运动员/啦啦队员参加的下一个运动赛季进行.

Voluntary Admission of Substance AbuseVoluntary admission, in writing to the Principal  or Assistant Principal, 由学生违规涉及药物滥用将导致后果减少一半. 本规定的目的是鼓励学生运动员为自己的行为/决定负责. 如果校长和/或助理校长已经知道违规行为,则不得使用自愿录取. 这项规定只能在高中生涯中使用一次,并且只能用于初犯.

Second Offense while in High School
运动员/拉拉队队长将被停赛三分之二的体育比赛,他/她的身体和学业条件都符合. If however, the second offense occurs within 365 calendar days of the first offense, then the suspension will be for one calendar year. Periods of ineligibility may not be served concurrently. At the time of the offense, 体育主任将决定运动员有资格参加的项目数量. If the offense occurs during the summer or off season, 停赛将在运动员/啦啦队员参加的下一个运动赛季进行.

Third Offense will in High School

Letter Awards
数字全部颁发给所有在主教练的推荐下完成赛季的新生. Only one set is awarded. 二年级学生的信件将颁发给所有在主教练的推荐下完成本赛季的二年级学生. Only one sophomore letter may be awarded per student. Varsity letters are awarded on the recommendations of the Head Varsity Coach. An athlete/cheerleader may receive no more than one varsity letter. Pins are awarded for each additional varsity letter earned.

Transfer of Athletes/Cheerleaders From Teams
运动员/拉拉队队长在该项目第一次比赛后不得以任何理由从一个队转到另一个队. The Athletic Director will make the decision on cases of this type. Cheerleaders: There are five cheerleading squads at Alleman:

  1. 校队-足球:由为校队足球比赛加油的大三学生和大四学生组成.

  2. 大学篮球队:由三年级和四年级的学生组成,他们为男孩和女孩的篮球比赛加油.

  3. 二年级足球队:由二年级学生组成,为二年级足球比赛助威.

  4. The Sophomore Squad - Basketball: Boys' and Girls' Basketball Games.

  5. 新生篮球队:由新生组成,为新生男女篮球比赛助威.

"Sportsmanship is that quality of honor that desires always to be courteous, fair, and respectful, and it is interpreted in the conduct of players, spectators, coaches and school authorities." - Felding Yost

Alleman High School 是伊利诺斯州高中协会(IHSA)的成员,并支持该组织的体育精神使命声明:“良好的体育精神是积极支持IHSA成员学校校际项目的态度和行为, as well as for the individuals who participate in such programs. 参与校际项目各个方面的人都应该表现出对他人的尊重和良好的体育精神."

For more information regarding the Illinois High school Association, including Athletic Eligibility Rules visit their website at